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Scam Alert; Pension Board Chair, Ogidi-Gbegbaje, raises alarm, asks pensioners to discountenance monetary calls for listing.

By Andy Emephia

Monetary calls to pensionérs in Delta to fastrack their pensions do not emanate from the State Burueau of Pensions, the Bureau,s Chairman, Sir Edwin Ogidi Gbegbaje, has clarified.

In a tersely worded disclaimer personally endorsed by the State Pension Burueau Chairman, Sir Edwin Ogidi Gbegbaje, pensioners were assured that no form of monetary payment is needed to process their legitimate pension entitlements, which, according to the Bureau of Pensions Chairman, is by right.

The clear as crystal statement says, " therefore  we urge ALL pensĂ­oners in the state, to be wary of such calls from scammers, bearing in mind that pension benefits are processed, and paid without any form of demand or inducement, from the Bureau ".

The statement urges that pensioners contacted by the scammers should not make any infoemation available to any caller, so as to forestall the propensity of the scam.

Sir Edwin Ogidi Gbegbaje, therefore warned those involved in the nefarious act of scamming elderly people who have spent the vital period of their lives in service to their fatherland, to desist forthwith from this ungodly act, as the long arm of the law is fast catching up on them.

The tersely worded disclaimer appealed to all Pensioners, security operatives, and indeed , the general public, who have been inundated with the requests from scammers , in respect of monetary inducements to get their parents, spouses, or in whatever disguise benefits , to the security number of  07085900707.

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