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The DIDA Task Before Omoru, Elekeokwuri: Oborevwori’s Tall Orders At Inauguration ~ Truth Reporters

By Andy Emephia

Delta State lnvestments Development Agency ( DIDA), is an lnvestment Promotion Agency (lPA), which was established by an enabling 2016 State law , and , consequently , commenced operations , in 2017

Delta lnvestments Development Agency ( DIDA), performs four (4) core functions , to wit, (1) lnvestments promotion of Delta State as a preferred investment destination , (2) Facilitating establishment of investments , (3) Project management , and , (4) Investment Aftercare Services.

DlDA is , legally mandated , by relevant laws , with the tall orders, of attracting investors to Delta State , through several business models , comprising multi faceted Public Private Partnerships (PPP), including Concessions .

The Agency has been , since inception , at the forefront of promoting and facilitating both Foreign and Domestic Direct lnvestments based on PPP business models , in consonance with the mandate establishing it

In addition , DIDA has made far reaching inroads by attracting investments covering Oil and gas, manufacturing , markets and commercial real estate , Port, marine , and agribusiness, among others


At the Unity hall , Government house , Asaba, venue of the inauguration, the Governor charged the DIDA Board, to "draw up a functional template , that will attract development to the state "

 Obviously buoyed by the strategic role of investments in line with his MORE agenda, His Excellency, Governor Sheriff Oborevwori , had a message , nay , a tall order , for the Agency led by Chairman, Olorogun Lucky Oghene Omoru, and Director, Hon Anthony Elekeokwuri.

Describing the agency as a "one stop investment shop" the Governor was explicit in DIDA,s strategic role in rising to the occasion of not only being an investment "midwife", but driving the process to a logical conclusion

While lamenting to that the organized private to sector accounted for not more than 9 percent of the state,s Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) since 2022 , Governor Oborevwori tasked the Oghene Omoru led DIDA Board to devise ways of changing the narrative by evolving ways of bringing back the buoyant , glory days of Bendel( Delta) Glass company , Asaba Textile mills , African Timber and Plywood , Sapele, Eternit and others too numerous to mention , that boosted the state,s economy



 Olorogun Lucky Oghenemuode Omoru, is the immediate past Director General of DIDA, who served for two terms from July 2017 to May 2023

With a mind boggling resume that catches the eye, Oghene Omoru,  a graduate of Banking and Finance from University of South west London where he  obtained his AIB of the institute of Bankers, London , in April 1977, at age 24 years , has a Masters Degree in Financial Economics from the University of Wales, UK in 1979 as well as training in investment banking and international finance by the Institute of European Finance at the age of 26; and by January 1986, was appointed Bendel State Commissioner for Commence , lndustry , Cooperatives and Tourism , at age 33, and thereafter , elevated to the post of Commissioner for Finance and Economic Planning in same Bendel State from 1988 - 1990.

In addition also , he was Chairman Bendel State Economic Development Recovery and Advisory Council, ( BEDRAC), Chairman Bendel State Committee on 1.5% Oil Mineral Derivation Revenue (1988 to 1990), and in Delta his home state, 13% Oil Mineral development committee member.


A one time Visíon 2020 project Consultant to Delta State  Government, Olorogun Lucky Oghene Omoru has served as çonsultant to the National Planning Commissíon, Abuja, the European Union , World Bank and UNDP among others.

 Hon Anthony Eleokokuri, the thoroughbred immediate past Chairman , House Committee on Finance and Appropriation , of the Delta State House of Assembly , has carved a niche as a public finance Czar

Well groomed in the art of administration , an impeccable man of rules and business , this newly appointed Director General lives and breathes the MORE Agenda of his former Leader  and Honourable Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly, Rt Honourable Elder Sheriff F.O Oborevwori, now the Governor of Delta State . They both were members of the last assembly where the Governor was Speaker and he ( Elekeokwuri) was representing lka North East

For Governor Oborevwori to entrust this all vital DIDA,s running to his former house colleague , must speak volumes of the implicit confidence he has on him to successfully run and grow  the Agency.


 As DIDA sets to reel out it's action plan , in line with Governor Oborevwori,s MORE agenda, as the state waits with bated breath for a breath of fresh air in the glory industrialization days of yore as succinctly mentioned by the Governor during the inauguration of the DIDA Board , one thing is incontrovertible, clear and chill as the reaches of outer space : Olorogun Lucky Oghene Omoru and Hon Elekeokuri, will deliver as Chairman and Director General , respectively . The signs are clear for a further repositioned DIDA under their watch.

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