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Restructuring ‘ll make states develop at their own pace - Ukodhiko ~ Truth Reporters


By Ajiri-Oghene Oreh 

MEMBER representing Isoko North and South Federal Constituency, Hon. Jonathan Ukodhiko, said, restructuring of Nigeria and distribution of powers would enable states to grow at their own pace through healthy competition. 

Stating that, it would ultimately unlock the economic potentials amongst the states, improve the lives of the people, and further engender the rapid development of the country. 

Ukodhiko stated this last Sunday during an exclusive interview with Sonia Onubunjo of Delta Rainbow Television (DRTV) held at his countryhome in Erawha-Owhe, Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State. 

According to the House of Representatives member, “we are at the stage the country must be restructured! There must be devolution of powers and functions to the States and to the Local Government Areas of the country. 

“And we must fall back to the regional system we had earlier which allowed every region and states of the federation to grow and develop at their own pace.” 

The Isoko federal lawmaker, Hon. Ukodhiko remarked, “when restructured, every state should be able to set up and run their own security networks and outfits to tackle the menace of insecurity, and also, be able to take care of their people. 

“Anywhere you see competition, you will see the best out of the people. When the country is restructured and powers are devolved to states which will grow at their own pace through healthy competitions as the country will once again experience phenomenal development.” he added. 

Ukodhiko, Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Science and Technology, further said, the distribution of powers would ease up the burden of the federal government as the states and local government areas would effectively deliver on the common good for their people. 

Stating, “I do not see the reason why every state of the federation should not develop at their own pace. Take for example, Delta State. Look at what our amiable Governor, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori is doing, he is doing extremely well. 

“And if they give Delta State Government the powers to control its natural resources, generate revenues, and pay some amounts of taxes to the Federal Government of Nigeria, the state will do much better. 

“So, I think there should be a reform of the political system, and powers and functions should be devolved to the states and to the Local Government Councils. 

“And the Federal Government should concern itself to foreign affairs, immigration among others, I can tell you for sure, the lives of our people will improve positively, and the economy will take off on its own without much stress.” Ukodhiko stated.

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